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cash transfers中文是什么意思

用"cash transfers"造句"cash transfers"怎么读"cash transfers" in a sentence


  • 现金调拨


  • For example , a service consumer can call a cash transfer operation before calling a
  • When a service consumer wants to buy a stock , the interface element calls the cash transfer operation before the buy process
  • Learning vocabulary related to the world of insurance and banking ( coverage , life insurance , cash transfer , account number )
    学习有关世界级的保险和银行(保险项目、人寿保险、现金转账、账号等) 。
  • Insurance & banking : learning vocabulary related to the world of insurance and banking ( coverage , life insurance , cash transfer , account number )
    学习有关世界级的保险和银行(保险项目、人寿保险、现金转账、账号等) 。
  • In countries like somalia , with chaotic conditions at home and a huge diaspora , cash transfers by phone would be a boon
  • It may benefit the poor if the money the exchequer saves can then be handed to them through cash transfers , or spent on connecting them to the mains , rather than on filling the baths and basins of the rich
  • Security problems can be caused when many traditional trade modes are applied on internet , for example , traditional security exchange and cash transfer between banks and brokers , protection method of exchange data , edi , management of daily exchange information , etc . although the large - scale use of e - business has been for only several years , many companies have developed relevant products
用"cash transfers"造句  


Cash transfers are direct transfer payments of money to eligible people. Cash transfers are usually provided by the state and federal government.
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